An atmospheric addition to any event!
Snappshot at your event!
Ut id orci enim. Etiam lobortis, enim pulvinar iaculis congue, elit ligula convallis quam, a hendrerit lectus arcu non nunc. Nulla sed posuere massa. Nulla vel pre-tium ex. Phasellus aliquam dolor hendrerit risus pharetra, et tempus dui dictum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut auctor pre-tium sem, quiscursus lacus posuere non. Quisque massa lectus, vehicula eu tortor ut, euismod t
ristique purus. Integer elementum leo ut odio dapibus volut-pat. Nullam rutrum turpis ac elit fermentum dapibus.
Cras finibus sagittis orci, eget semper erat tincidunt a.vellentesque mollis nec sem ut accumsan. Cras elementum
ex quis ipsum facilisis porttitor. Donec ut neque tellus. Duis eros orci, euismod in finibus quis, tempus ut sem.
Always a suitable solution
From music events to fairs and galas
Pellentesque nec leo justo. Aliquam sit amet velit molestie, venenatis eros eu, auctor nulla. Ut interdum ante ut suscipit commodo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus non mauris gravida, laoreet arcu vel, eleifend urna. Aliquam iaculis quam justo, in sollicitudin diam vulputate eu.
Fusce faucibus, velit eu tincidunt finibus, turpis odio lobortis dui, ut posuere tortor nunc sed turpis. In sagittis urna efficitur nulla mollis ultricies.
- Aliquam sit amet velit molestie, venenatis eros eu, auctor nulla.
- Ut interdum ante ut suscipit commodo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Videos of Snappshot in action!
Snappshot at events

Affordable for every party!
Choose your package
snappshot is not only suitable for your living room or party location, but you can also take your event to the next level with Snappshot
For large parties with access to all functions
What’s in it?
- Up to 250 users
- All functions
- 30 hours
* Terms and Conditions apply
For medium-sized parties with access to the basic functions
What’s in it?
- Up to 50 users
- Essential functions
- 30 hours
* Terms and Conditions apply
For large parties with access to all functions
What’s in it?
- Up to 250 users
- All functions
- 30 hours
* Terms and Conditions apply
Want to know if we are a good fit for your event?
Frequently asked questions
Do you have a question about our services and products? No problem! We have already listed the most frequently asked questions about events for you and answered them for you.
Does Snappshot work for every party?
Of course! You can use Snappshot for any type of party as long as you have a (large) screen or projector available to present the photo feed. Creating an account and setting it up takes just 60 seconds!
Does Jullie also have photoboots and printers for fees?
Jazeker! The snapshot can be used for the elk type fees as long as the (groot) screen of the projector is available lifts the photo feed to the presenter. The account can be set up in just 60 seconds!
Can anyone become a Snappshot reseller?
Children are living with disease, old age and children, and they are suffering from hunger and poverty. The disease is not different from the soft one. Mauris Sucid Hendrerit laughs, but the element of wisdom is sad in it.
Will we get a regular stream?
Of course! You can use Snappshot for any type of party as long as you have a (large) screen or projector available to present the photo feed. Creating an account and setting it up takes just 60 seconds!

7 Reviews in 12 months
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Register your party in 60 seconds!